How To Work On Your Passion Project With A Full-Time Job

how to work on your passion project with a full-time job

If you want to pursue your dreams, you need to forget about everything and only focus on them. While it’s a rosy concept, it’s not practical. We know you need  a full-time job, here’s how you can pursue your passion project while you’re still working. 

People start their jobs as a means to fuel their efforts to achieve their ambitions. Gt busy, and then wonder how to pursue their passion project with a job. People get so caught up in their jobs that they forget to live for themselves. Job dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, and frustration are only a few of the things that engulf your life.

Stop the displeasure cycle and start working towards your dreams. You don’t need to do a lot. All you require is a few hours a day, and you are one step closer to your dream life every single day. Here’s how you can pursue your passion project with a full-time job:


If you are in the bad habit of bringing work home, stop. Until and unless your company’s future depends on it, you are free to complete your hours and leave work. Stand your ground and say no to doing things above and beyond, until and unless it is your dream job. Once you prioritise yourself over everything else, you will find the time to go after your goals. 

Make proper schedules and to-do lists. Make time for everything in your calendar, including leisure. This will help you utilise your 16-hour waking period perfectly. On a side note, if you want to add an hour-long nap to the list, do so. Relaxation is also necessary.

Wake Up And Sleep Early

Early to bed and early to rise will bring you closer to your aspirations. Waking up early gives you a window of time that can be used to plan and work on your side hustle. Besides, if you wake up early, you will be able to go to work early. And you know what that means – you can leave earlier than usual. 

Workout In The Morning

Exercise has proven benefits to your intelligence, mental health, and energy levels. Aside from keeping you physically fit and active enough to achieve your goals, regular workouts have a calming effect on your brain. Exercising also boosts your mood and enables you to focus more on the tasks on hand. Your memory will improve, and you will have a better quality of life overall. With everything perfect, physically and mentally, you can direct all your energies towards your ambitions. 

Also, if you’re done with your workout in the morning itself, it’s better. Delaying it endlessly will only result in procrastinating on every other thing you planned. 


You don’t need us to tell you how powerful meditation can be. Regular meditation increases your alertness. With your concentration levels up, multitasking becomes simpler. And, it clears your head to pursue your passion project. Meditation is also known to increase self-esteem; in case you begin to doubt yourself midway through your path to glory. 

The benefits of lower stress levels and low anxiety levels will only aid you in your project. Physical gains aside, meditation helps you gain self-awareness. A better insight into yourself always comes in handy when you are trying to achieve your dream job. 

Like your workout, meditate in the morning. It will make your whole day a lot better. However, no pressure to meditate at a certain time. That stress will have an opposite impact than coveted. Besides, meditating regularly will counteract the effects of the stressors of walking the extra mile. 

Get To Work On Time

Going to work on time and leaving on time will give you an opportunity to make time for yourself. Moreover, reaching work on time will give you that breathing space to calmly focus on your job and complete it properly. You don’t have that excess baggage of stress and anxiety over not reaching on time. A lot of time is wasted after that to pay attention to your job. 

Go to work on time, and it will ensure you can leave on time, guilt-free. All that extra time on hand can be dedicated towards your passion project. 

Dedicate Hours Everyday

Instead of working through the weekend and giving up on your leisure time, try to squeeze in an hour or two on the daily. Doing so will assure that you do something instead of frustratingly sitting out the weekend and feeling hopeless. Granted, you can put in more time over the weekend, but spacing things out is always a better option. 

Here’s the thing: You need entertainment as well to be able to work harder than the regular person. You need to plan out your entire week and stick to your schedule. That way, you will be able to have fun and get your work done. 


Your social life is as imperative as your career. If you can combine both, why not? The moment you meet someone who is involved in your dream job, try to be a part of their world. Reach out, get dinners, and network like crazy. For all you know, you may find a mentor in the process.

All in all, if you put your mind to it, achieving your passion project is not impossible. Conquer your fears and be confident enough that you will be able to do so. Millions of people give up trying; don’t be another corporate casualty. It’s never a good idea to give up on your dream job. 

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